************ Group Pickup ************ Pickup groups allow users to intercept calls directed towards other users of the group. This is done either by dialing a special extension or by pressing a function key. Quick Summary ============= In order to be able to use group pickup you have to: * Create a pickup group * Enable an extension to intercept calls * Add a function key to interceptors Creating a Pickup Group ======================= * ``POST /callpickups`` * ``POST /callpickups/{callpickup_id}/interceptors/groups`` * ``POST /callpickups/{callpickup_id}/interceptors/users`` * ``POST /callpickups/{callpickup_id}/targets/groups`` * ``POST /callpickups/{callpickup_id}/targets/users`` Enabling an Interception Extension ================================== The pickup extension can be defined with: * ``/asterisk/features/general`` endpoint and the option key ``pickupexten`` The default value for group pickup is *\*8*. .. warning:: The directed pickup extension must be enabled when a function key is used. If you decide to not use a directed pickup extension, only *\*8* alone will work (without specifying the extension to pickup). In this case, you *must* have at least a pickup group with the targets and interceptors you want for the interception to work. This will also make it impossible for the function keys to work. See :ref:`directed_pickup` for more information. Adding a Function Key to an Interceptor ======================================= Assign a function to an interceptor of type ``pickup``