.. _debug-daemons: ***************** Debugging Daemons ***************** To activate debug mode, add ``debug: true`` in the daemon :ref:`configuration file `. The output will be available in the daemon's :ref:`log file `. It is also possible to run the Wazo daemon, in command line. This will allow to run in foreground and debug mode. To see how to use it, type:: xivo-{name} -h Note that it's usually a good idea to stop monit before running a daemon in foreground:: systemctl stop monit.service wazo-confgend ============= :: twistd -no -u wazo-confgend -g wazo-confgend --python=/usr/bin/wazo-confgend --logger wazo_confgend.bin.daemon.twistd_logs No debug mode in confgend. wazo-provd ========== :: twistd -no -u wazo-provd -g wazo-provd -r epoll --logger provd.main.twistd_logs wazo-provd -s -v * -s for logging to stderr * -v for verbose consul ====== :: sudo -u consul /usr/bin/consul agent -config-dir /etc/consul/xivo -pid-file /run/consul/consul.pid Consul logs its output to ``/var/log/syslog`` to get the output of consul only use consul monitor:: consul monitor -ca-file=/usr/share/xivo-certs/server.crt -http-addr=https://localhost:8500 :: 2015/08/03 09:48:25 [INFO] consul: cluster leadership acquired 2015/08/03 09:48:25 [INFO] consul: New leader elected: this-xivo 2015/08/03 09:48:26 [INFO] raft: Disabling EnableSingleNode (bootstrap) 2015/08/03 11:04:08 [INFO] agent.rpc: Accepted client: .. note:: The ca-file can be different when using custom HTTPS certificates