*************************** Wazo Package File Structure *************************** Package naming ============== Let's assume we want to organise the files for wazo-confd. * Git repo name: ``wazo-confd`` * Binary file name: ``wazo-confd`` * Python package name: ``wazo_confd`` :: wazo-confd |-- bin | `-- wazo-confd |-- contribs | `-- docker | |-- ... | `-- prod | `-- ... |-- debian | `-- ... |-- Dockerfile |-- docs | `-- ... |-- etc | `-- ... |-- integration-tests | `-- ... |-- LICENSE |-- README.md |-- requirements.txt |-- setup.cfg |-- setup.py |-- test-requirements.txt |-- .travis.yml `-- wazo_confd `-- ... Sources ------- ``etc/`` Contains default configuration files. ``docs/`` Contains technical documentation for this package: API doc, architecture doc, diagrams, ... Should be in RST format using Sphinx. ``bin/`` Contains the binaries. Not applicable for pure libraries. ``integration_tests/`` Contains the tests bigger than unit-tests. Tests should be runnable simply, e.g. ``nosetests integration_tests``. ``README.md`` Read me in markdown (Github flavor). ``LICENSE`` License (GPLv3) ``.travis.yml`` Travis CI configuration file Python ------ Standard files: * setup.py * setup.cfg * requirements.txt * test-requirements.txt * wazo_confd/ (the main sources) Debian ------ ``debian/`` Contains the Debian packaging files (``control``, ``rules``, ...) Docker ------ ``Dockerfile`` Used to build a docker image for a working production version ``contribs/docker/prod/`` Contains the files necessary for running wazo-confd inside a production Docker image ``contribs/docker/other/`` Contains the Dockerfile and other files to run wazo-confd inside Docker with specific configuration File naming =========== * PID file: ``/run/wazo-confd/wazo-confd.pid`` * WSGI socket file: ``/run/wazo-confd/wazo-confd.sock`` * Config file: ``/etc/wazo-confd/config.yml`` * Log file: ``/var/log/wazo-confd.log`` * Static data files: ``/usr/share/wazo-confd`` * Storage data files: ``/var/lib/wazo-confd``