.. _phonebook-directory: ********************* Phonebook directories ********************* This type of directory source is the internal phonebook of a XiVO. The :guilabel:`URI` field is the one used to query the phonebook. This directory type matches the :ref:`dird-backend-phonebook` backend in `xivo-dird`. Available fields ================ General phone book section -------------------------- These fields are set in the General tab of the phone book. * phonebook.description * phonebook.displayname * phonebook.email * phonebook.firstname * phonebook.fullname (this value is automatically generated as *" "*, e.g. *"John Doe"*) * phonebook.lastname * phonebook.society * phonebook.title * phonebook.url Phone numbers ------------- These are the different phone numbers that are available * phonebooknumber.fax.number * phonebooknumber.home.number * phonebooknumber.mobile.number * phonebooknumber.office.number * phonebooknumber.other.number Addresses --------- Each configured address can be accessed Address uses the following syntax *phonebookaddress.[location].[field]*, e.g. *phonebookaddress.office.zipcode*. Locations ^^^^^^^^^ * home * office * other Fields ^^^^^^ * address1 * address2 * city * country * state * zipcode Example ======= Adding a source --------------- .. figure:: images/xivo_add_directory_phonebook.png :menuselection:`Configuration --> Management --> Directories` :guilabel:`URI` : ``http://localhost/service/ipbx/json.php/private/pbx_services/phonebook`` Configuring source access ------------------------- Default phonebook is set in :menuselection:`Directories -> Definitions -> xivodir`. .. figure:: images/xivo_configure_directory_phonebook.png :menuselection:`Services --> CTI Server --> Directories --> Definitions`