*********** Message Bus *********** The message bus is used to receive events from XiVO. It is provided by an `AMQP `_ 0-9-1 broker (namely, `RabbitMQ `_) that is integrated in XiVO. .. warning:: Interaction with the bus is presently experimental and some things might change in the next XiVO versions. Usage ===== At the moment, the AMQP broker only listen on the address. This means that if you want to connect to the AMQP broker from a distant machine, you must modify the RabbitMQ server configuration, which is not yet an officially supported operation. All events are sent to the *xivo* exchange. Otherwise, the default connection information is: * Virtual host: / * User name: guest * User password: guest * Port: 5672 * Exchange name: xivo * Exchange type: topic Example ------- Here's an example of a simple client, in python, listening for the :ref:`bus-call_form_result` CTI events:: import kombu from kombu.mixins import ConsumerMixin EXCHANGE = kombu.Exchange('xivo', type='topic') ROUTING_KEY = 'call_form_result' class C(ConsumerMixin): def __init__(self, connection): self.connection = connection def get_consumers(self, Consumer, channel): return [Consumer(kombu.Queue(exchange=EXCHANGE, routing_key=ROUTING_KEY), callbacks=[self.on_message])] def on_message(self, body, message): print('Received:', body) message.ack() def main(): with kombu.Connection('amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//') as conn: try: C(conn).run() except KeyboardInterrupt: return main() If you are new to AMQP, you might want to look at the `RabbitMQ tutorial `_. Notes ----- Things to be aware when writing a client/consumer: * The ``xivo-service stop`` command stops the AMQP broker. This means that the client connections to the AMQP broker will be lost on: * a XiVO upgrade * an asterisk crash * The published messages are not persistent. When the AMQP broker stops, the messages that are still in queues will be lost. Events ====== Events that are sent to the bus use a JSON serialization format. For example, the CTI call_form_result event looks like this:: {"name": "call_form_result", "origin_uuid": "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3", "data": {...}} All events have the same basic structure, namely, a JSON object with three keys: name A string representing the name of the event. Each event type has a unique name. origin_uuid The uuid to identify the message producer. data The data specific part of the event. This is documented on a per event type; if not this is assumed to be null. .. _bus-ami_events: AMI events ---------- All AMI events are broadcasted on the bus. * routing key: ami. * event specific data: a dictionary with the content of the AMI event Example event with binding key QueueMemberStatus:: { "name": "QueueMemberStatus", "origin_uuid": "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3", "data": { "Status": "1", "Penalty": "0", "CallsTaken": "0", "Skills": "", "MemberName": "sip\/m3ylhs", "Queue": "petak", "LastCall": "0", "Membership": "static", "Location": "sip\/m3ylhs", "Privilege": "agent,all", "Paused": "0", "StateInterface": "sip\/m4ylhs" } } .. _bus-call_form_result: call_form_result ---------------- The call_form_result event is sent when a :ref:`custom call form ` is submitted by a CTI client. * routing key: call_form_result * event specific data: a dictionary with 2 keys: * user_id: an integer corresponding to the user ID of the client who saved the call form * variables: a dictionary holding the content of the form Example:: { "name": "call_form_result", "origin_uuid": "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3", "data": { "user_id": 40, "variables": { "firstname": "John", "lastname": "Doe" } } } .. _bus-agent_status_update: agent_status_update ------------------- The agent_status_update is sent when an agent is logged in or logged out. * routing key: status.agent * event specific data: a dictionary with 3 keys: * agent_id: an integer corresponding to the agent ID of the agent who's status changed * status: a string identifying the status * xivo_id: the uuid of the xivo Example:: { "name": "agent_status_update", "origin_uuid": "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3", "data": { "agent_id": 42, "xivo_id": "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3", "status": "logged_in" } } .. _bus-endpoint_status_update: endpoint_status_update ---------------------- The endpoint_status_update is sent when an end point status changes. This information is based on asterisk hints. * routing key: status.endpoint * event specific data: a dictionary with 3 keys * xivo_id: the uuid of the xivo * endpoint_id: an integer corresponding to the endpoint ID * status: an integer corresponding to the asterisk device state Example:: { "name": "endpoint_status_update", "origin_uuid": "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3", "data": { "endpoint_id": 67, "xivo_id": "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3", "status": 0 } } .. _bus-user_status_update: user_status_update ------------------ The user_status_update is sent when a user changes his CTI presence using the XiVO client. * routing key: status.user * event specific data: a dictionary with 3 keys * xivo_id: the uuid of the xivo * user_id: an integer corresponding to the user ID of the user who changed its status * status: a string identifying the status Example:: { "name": "user_status_update", "origin_uuid": "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3", "data": { "user_id": 42, "xivo_id": "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3", "status": "busy" } } .. _bus-service_registered_event: service_registered_event ------------------------ The service_registered_event is sent when a service is started. * routing key: service.registered. * event specific data: a dictionary with 5 keys * service_name: The name of the started service * service_id: The consul ID of the started service * address: The advertised address of the started service * port: The advertised port of the started service * tags: The advertised Consul tags of the started service Example: .. code-block:: javascript { "name": "service_registered_event", "origin_uuid": "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3", "data": { "service_name": "xivo-ctid", "service_id": "8e58d2a7-cfed-4c2e-ac72-14e0b5c26dc2", "address": "", "port": 9495, "tags": ["xivo-ctid", "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3", "Québec"] } } .. _bus-service_deregistered_event: service_deregistered_event -------------------------- The service_deregistered_event is sent when a service is stopped. * routing key: service.deregistered. * event specific data: a dictionary with 3 keys * service_name: The name of the stopped service * service_id: The consul ID of the stopped service * tags: The advertised Consul tags of the stopped service Example: .. code-block:: javascript { "name": "service_deregistered_event", "origin_uuid": "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3", "data": { "service_name": "xivo-ctid", "service_id": "8e58d2a7-cfed-4c2e-ac72-14e0b5c26dc2", "tags": ["xivo-ctid", "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3", "Québec"] } }