.. _contributing_to_the_documentation: ********************************* Contributing to the Documentation ********************************* XiVO documentation is generated with Sphinx. The source code is available on GitHub at https://github.com/wazo-pbx/xivo-doc Provided you already have Python installed on your system. You need first to install Sphinx_ : ``easy_install -U Sphinx`` [1]_. .. _Sphinx: http://sphinx.pocoo.org/ Quick Reference * http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/rst/cheatsheet.txt * http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/rst/quickref.html * http://openalea.gforge.inria.fr/doc/openalea/doc/_build/html/source/sphinx/rest_syntax.html .. [1] ``easy_install`` can be found in the debian package python-setuptools : ``sudo apt-get install python-setuptools`` Documentation guideline ======================= Here's the guideline/conventions to follow for the XiVO documentation. Language -------- The documentation must be written in english, and only in english. Sections -------- The top section of each file must be capitalized using the following rule: capitalization of all words, except for articles, prepositions, conjunctions, and forms of to be. Correct:: The Vitamins are in My Fresh California Raisins Incorrect:: The Vitamins Are In My Fresh California Raisins Use the following punctuation characters: * ``*`` with overline, for "file title" * ``=``, for sections * ``-``, for subsections * ``^``, for subsubsections Punctuation characters should be exactly as long as the section text. Correct:: Section1 ======== Incorrect:: Section2 ========== There should be 2 empty lines between sections, except when an empty section is followed by another section. Correct:: Section1 ======== Foo. Section2 ======== Bar. Correct:: Section1 ======== Foo. .. _target: Section2 ======== Bar. Correct:: Section1 ======== Subsection1 ----------- Foo. Incorrect:: Section1 ======== Foo. Section2 ======== Bar. Lists ----- Bullet lists:: * First item * Second item Autonumbered lists:: #. First item #. Second item Literal blocks -------------- Use ``::`` on the same line as the line containing text when possible. The literal blocks must be indented with three spaces. Correct:: Bla bla bla:: apt-get update Incorrect:: Bla bla bla: :: apt-get update Inline markup ------------- Use the following roles when applicable: * ``:file:`` for file, i.e.:: The :file:`/dev/null` file. * ``:menuselection:`` for the web interface menu:: The :menuselection:`Configuration --> Management --> Certificates` page. * ``:guilabel:`` for designating a specific GUI element:: The :guilabel:`Action` column. Others ------ * There must be no warning nor error messages when building the documentation with ``make html``. * There should be one and only one newline character at the end of each file * There should be no trailing whitespace at the end of lines * Paragraphs must be wrapped and lines should be at most 100 characters long