********* Log Files ********* Every XiVO service has its own log file, placed in :file:`/var/log`. agid ---- * File location: :file:`/var/log/xivo-agid.log` * Rotate configuration: :file:`/etc/logrotate.d/xivo-agid` * Number of archived files: 15 * Rotation frequence: Daily asterisk -------- The Asterisk log files are managed by logrotate. It's configuration files :file:`/etc/logrotate.d/asterisk` and :file:`/etc/asterisk/logger.conf` The message log level is enabled by default in :file:`logger.conf` and contains notices, warnings and errors. The full log entry is commented in :file:`logger.conf` and should only be enabled when verbose debugging is required. Using this option in production would produce VERY large log files. * Files location: :file:`/var/log/asterisk/\*` * Number of archived files: 15 * Rotation frequence: Daily provd ----- * File location: :file:`/var/log/xivo-provd.log` * Rotate configuration: :file:`/etc/logrotate.d/xivo-provd` * Number of archived files: 15 * Rotation frequence: Daily sysconfd -------- * File location: :file:`/var/log/xivo-sysconfd.log` * Rotate configuration: :file:`/etc/logrotate.d/xivo-sysconfd` * Number of archived files: 15 * Rotation frequence: Daily web-interface ------------- * File location: :file:`/var/log/xivo-web-interface/\*.log` * Rotate configuration: :file:`/etc/logrotate.d/xivo-web-interface` * Number of archived files: 21 * Rotation frequence: Daily xivo-confgend ------------- The xivo-confgend daemon output is sent to the file specified with the ``--logfile`` parameter when launched with twistd. The file location can be changed in :file:`/etc/init.d/xivo-confgend`. Search the line begining with ``logfile=/var/log/xivo-confgend.log`` and change it to your liking. * File location: :file:`/var/log/xivo-confgend.log` * Rotate configuration: :file:`/etc/logrotate.d/xivo-confgend` * Number of archived files: 15 * Rotation frequence: Daily xivo-ctid --------- * File location: :file:`/var/log/xivo-ctid.pid` * Rotate configuration: :file:`/etc/logrotate.d/xivo-ctid` * Number of archived log files: 15 * Rotation frequence: Daily