******************* Proxy Configuration ******************* If you use XiVO behind an HTTP proxy, you must do a couple of manipulations for it to work correctly. apt === Create the :file:`/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90proxy` file with the following content:: Acquire::http::Proxy "http://domain\username:password@proxyip:proxyport"; provd ===== Proxy information is set via the :menuselection:`Configuration --> Provisioning --> General` page. dhcp-update =========== *This step is needed if you use the DHCP server of the XiVO. Otherwise the DHCP configuration won't be correct.* Proxy information is set via the :file:`/etc/xivo/dhcpd-update.conf` file. Edit the file and look for the ``[proxy]`` section. xivo-fetchfw ============ *This step is not needed if you don't use xivo-fetchfw.* Proxy information is set via the :file:`/etc/xivo/xivo-fetchfw.conf` file. Edit the file and look for the ``[proxy]`` section.