************************************* Debian GNU/Linux Wheezy Upgrade Notes ************************************* Before the upgrade ================== * The upgrade will take longer than usual, because the whole Debian system will be upgraded * The system must be restarted after the upgrade, because the Linux kernel will also be upgraded LDAPS ----- In case XiVO is using a LDAP server through SSL/TLS (LDAPS), the documentation instructed you to append the certificate to :file:`/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt`. However, this is the wrong way to add a new certificate, because it will be erased by the upgrade. To keep your certificate installed through the upgrade, you must follow the instructions given in the :ref:`LDAP documentation `. After the upgrade ================= GRUB (Cloned Virtual Machines only) ----------------------------------- GRUB installations on cloned virtual machines may lead to unbootable systems, if not fixed properly before restarting the system. If xivo-upgrade detects your system is in a broken state, it will display a few commands to repair the GRUB installation.