Display customer informations

The informations about a call are displayed via the XiVO Client on forms called sheets.

Example: Display a Web page when an agent answers a call

The first step is to assign the URL to a dialplan variable. Go in the Services ‣ IPBX ‣ Configuration files and create a new file called setsheeturl.conf. In this file, put the following:

exten = s,1,NoOp(Starting Set Sheet URL)
same  = n,Set(SHEET_URL_CTI=http://documentation.xivo.io)
same  = n,UserEvent(dialplan2cti,UNIQUEID: ${UNIQUEID},CHANNEL: ${CHANNEL},VARIABLE: mysheeturl,VALUE: ${SHEET_URL_CTI})
same  = n,Return()

You can replace documentation.xivo.io by the URL you want.

The second step is to set the URL when the call is queued. To do that, we will use a preprocessing subroutine. This is configured in the queue configuration : go to Services ‣ Call center ‣ Queues and edit the queue. Set the field Preprocessing subroutine to setsheeturl (the same as above).

The third step is to configure the sheet to open the wanted URL. Go to Services ‣ CTI Server ‣ Sheets ‣ Models and create a new sheet. Keep the default for everything except the Action tab, add a field and set it to {dp-mysheeturl} (the same as above).

The fourth and final step is to trigger the sheet when the agent answers the queued call. Go to Services ‣ CTI Server ‣ Sheets ‣ Events and link the event Agent linked to the sheet you just created.

That’s it, you can assign agents to your queue, log the agents and make them answer calls with the XiVO Client opened, and your browser should open the specified URL.