Voice Compression Card configuration


Verify that the wctc4xxp module is uncommented in /etc/dahdi/modules.

If it wasn’t, do again the step Load the correct DAHDI modules.


To configure the card you have to:

  1. Install the card firmware:

    xivo-fetchfw install digium-tc400m
  2. Comment out the following line in /etc/asterisk/modules.conf:

    noload = codec_dahdi.so
  3. Restart asterisk:

    /etc/init.d/asterisk restart

Next step

Now that you have configured your Voice Compression card:

  1. you must check if you need to follow one of the Specific configuration sections below,
  2. then, if you have another type of card to configure, you can go back to the configure your card section.

Specific configuration

Select the transcoding mode

The Digium TC400 card can be used to transcode:

  • 120 G.729a channels,
  • 92 G.723.1 channels,
  • or 92 G.729a/G.723.1 channels.

Depending on the codec you want to transcode, you can modify the mode parameter which can take the following value:

  • mode = mixed : this the default value which activates transcoding for 92 channels in G.729a or G.723.1 (5.3 Kbit and 6.3 Kbit)
  • mode = g729 : this option activates transcoding for 120 channels in G.729a
  • mode = g723 : this option activates transcoding for 92 channels in G.723.1 (5.3 Kbit et 6.3 Kbit)
  1. Create the file /etc/modprobe.d/xivo-transcode.conf:

    touch /etc/modprobe.d/xivo-transcode.conf
  2. And insert the following lines:

    options wctc4xxp mode=g729
  3. Apply the configuration by restarting the services:

    xivo-service restart
  4. Verify that the card is correctly seen by asterisk with the transcoder show CLI command - this command should show the encoders/decoders registered by the TC400 card:

    *CLI> transcoder show
    0/0 encoders/decoders of 120 channels are in use.