Debugging Daemons

Here’s how to run the various daemons present in XiVO in foreground and debug mode.

Note that it’s usually a good idea to stop monit before running a daemon in foreground.


xivo-agentd -f -v
  • -f for foreground
  • -v for verbose

Log file: /var/log/xivo-agentd.log

2013-10-29 11:03:55,799 [25830] (INFO): Starting xivo-agentd
2013-10-29 11:03:58,632 [25830] (INFO): Executing statuses command


xivo-agid -f -d
  • -f for foreground
  • -d for debug

Log file: /var/log/xivo-agid.log

2014-06-18 11:01:02,816 [28779] (INFO) (xivo_agid.agid): xivo-agid starting...
2014-06-18 11:01:04,479 [28779] (INFO) (xivo_agid.modules.callerid_forphones): executing update command 'update-config'
2014-06-18 11:01:04,877 [28779] (INFO) (xivo_agid.modules.callerid_forphones): executing update command 'update-phonebook'


xivo-amid -f -v
  • -f for foreground
  • -v for verbose

Log file: /var/log/xivo-amid.log

2014-01-15 10:36:42,372 [5252] (INFO): Starting xivo-amid
2014-01-15 10:36:42,372 [5252] (INFO): Connecting socket
2014-01-15 10:36:42,372 [5252] (INFO): Connecting AMI client to localhost:5038


xivo-call-logd -f -v
  • -f for foreground
  • -v for verbose

Log file: /var/log/xivo-call-logd.log

2014-02-12 14:58:05,051 [14650] (INFO): Starting xivo-call-logd
2014-02-12 14:58:05,178 [14650] (INFO): Running...


twistd -no --python=/usr/bin/xivo-confgend

No debug mode in confgend.

Log file: /var/log/xivo-confgend.log

2013-10-29 11:03:50-0400 [-] Starting factory <xivo_confgen.confgen.ConfgendFactory instance at 0x8ef970c>
2013-10-29 11:03:55-0400 [Confgen,0,] serving asterisk/features.conf
2013-10-29 11:03:55-0400 [Confgen,1,] serving asterisk/musiconhold.conf


sudo -u consul /usr/bin/consul agent -config-dir /etc/consul/xivo -pid-file /var/run/consul/

There is no log file, but you can consult the output of consul with:

consul monitor
2015/08/03 09:48:25 [INFO] consul: cluster leadership acquired
2015/08/03 09:48:25 [INFO] consul: New leader elected: this-xivo
2015/08/03 09:48:26 [INFO] raft: Disabling EnableSingleNode (bootstrap)
2015/08/03 11:04:08 [INFO] agent.rpc: Accepted client:


xivo-ctid -f -d
  • -d for debug
  • -f for foreground

Log file: /var/log/xivo-ctid.log

2013-10-29 11:03:58,789 xivo-ctid[25914] (INFO) (main): CTI Fully Booted in 0.660311 seconds
2013-10-29 11:03:58,789 xivo-ctid[25914] (INFO) (interface_ami): Asterisk Call Manager/1.3
2013-10-29 11:03:58,827 xivo-ctid[25914] (INFO) (AMI logger): Event received:Privilege=>system,all ModuleLoadStatus=>Done Event=>ModuleLoadReport ModuleCount=>169 ModuleSelection=>All


dxtora -f
  • -f for foreground

Log file: /var/log/xivo-dxtora.log

2014-06-18 13:20:17,322 [24028] (INFO) (xivo-dxtora): Pulling DHCP info from unix socket


twistd -no -r epoll xivo-provd -s -v
  • -s for logging to stderr
  • -v for verbose

Log file: /var/log/xivo-provd.log

2014-06-18 12:04:54,299 [8564] (INFO) (provd.main): Binding HTTP REST API service to ""
2014-06-18 12:04:54,320 [8564] (INFO) (twisted): Site starting on 8666


xivo-confd -f -d
  • -f for foreground
  • -d for debug messages

Log file: /var/log/xivo-confd.log

2013-10-28 10:02:00,352 xivo-confd[8905] (INFO) (xivo_confd.flask_http_server): POST with data {"mac":"00:00:00:00:00:00","template_id":"defaultconfigdevice","description":""}
2013-10-28 10:04:35,815 xivo-confd[8905] (INFO) (xivo_confd.flask_http_server): GET


xivo-sysconfd -l debug -f
  • -l debug for debug level logging
  • -f for foreground

Log file: /var/log/xivo-sysconfd.log

2014-06-18 12:00:23,221 [8277] (INFO) (xivo-sysconfd): locking PID
2014-06-18 12:00:23,233 [8277] (INFO) (xivo-sysconfd): pidfile ok
2014-06-18 12:00:23,237 [8277] (INFO) (http_json_server): will now serve