Building the XiVO Client on GNU/Linux platforms

This page explains how to build an executable of the XiVO Client from its sources for GNU/Linux.


  • Qt5 library development files: Qt website (Ubuntu packages qt5-default qt5-qmake qttools5-dev-tools qttools5-dev). The currently supported Qt version is 5.5.0.
  • openGL development library - libGL (Debian package libgl1-mesa-dev)
  • Git (Debian package git)
  • Generic software building tools : make, g++ ... (Debian package build-essential)

Get sources

In a bash shell:

$ git clone git://


You need to have the Qt5 binaries (qmake, lrelease, ...) in your $PATH.

Launch qmake to generate the Makefile:

$ cd xivo-client-qt
$ /path/to/qt5/bin/qmake

This will also generate a file versions.mak that contains version informations about the code being compiled. It is necessary for compilation and packaging.

You can then launch make:

$ make

Binaries are available in the bin directory.

The version of the executable is taken from the git describe command.

Build options

To generate debug symbols:

$ make DEBUG=yes

To compile the unit tests of the XiVO Client:

$ qmake CONFIG+=tests

or, if you have a recent version of Google Mock (e.g. on Debian Wheezy):

$ qmake CONFIG+=tests CONFIG+=gmock

To compile the XiVO Client ready for functional tests:

$ make FUNCTESTS=yes


$ make distclean


You can launch the built executable with:

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=bin bin/xivoclient


To create the Debian package, usable on Debian and Ubuntu, you first need to modify build-deps to locate the Qt 5 installation directory:

$ /path/to/qt5/bin/qmake -spec linux-g++
$ make
$ make pack

This will result in a .deb file in the current directory.

The version of the package is taken from the git describe command.