.. _15_19_people_xlet_upgrade_notes: ================================== People Xlet features Upgrade Notes ================================== When upgrading your XiVO to 15.19, there are some features in the directories that could not be upgraded automatically, because it risked breaking some manual configurations. After you upgrade your XiVO, your CTI displays in :menuselection:`Services --> CTI Server --> Directories --> Displays` may look like this: .. figure:: images/display_before_15_19.png You should update your displays to make them look like: .. figure:: images/display_after_15_19.png This will give you a Xlet People looking like this: .. figure:: images/people_xlet_after_15_19_1.png .. figure:: images/people_xlet_after_15_19_2.png You can find more details about the field types in :ref:`xivo-dird-integration`.