Message Bus

The message bus is used to receive events from Wazo. It is provided by an AMQP 0-9-1 broker (namely, RabbitMQ) that is integrated in Wazo.


Interaction with the bus is presently experimental and some things might change in the next Wazo versions.


At the moment, the AMQP broker only listen on the address. This means that if you want to connect to the AMQP broker from a distant machine, you must modify the RabbitMQ server configuration, which is not yet an officially supported operation. All events are sent to the xivo exchange.

Otherwise, the default connection information is:

  • Virtual host: /
  • User name: guest
  • User password: guest
  • Port: 5672
  • Exchange name: xivo
  • Exchange type: topic


Here’s an example of a simple client, in python, listening for the call_form_result CTI events:

import kombu

from kombu.mixins import ConsumerMixin

EXCHANGE = kombu.Exchange('xivo', type='topic')
ROUTING_KEY = 'call_form_result'

class C(ConsumerMixin):

    def __init__(self, connection):
        self.connection = connection

    def get_consumers(self, Consumer, channel):
        return [Consumer(kombu.Queue(exchange=EXCHANGE, routing_key=ROUTING_KEY),

    def on_message(self, body, message):
        print('Received:', body)

def main():
    with kombu.Connection('amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//') as conn:
        except KeyboardInterrupt:


If you are new to AMQP, you might want to look at the RabbitMQ tutorial.


Things to be aware when writing a client/consumer:

  • The published messages are not persistent. When the AMQP broker stops, the messages that are still in queues will be lost.







Events that are sent to the bus use a JSON serialization format with the content-type application/json. For example, the CTI call_form_result event looks like this:

{"name": "call_form_result",
 "origin_uuid": "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3",
 "data": {...}}

All events have the same basic structure, namely, a JSON object with 4 keys:

A string representing the name of the event. Each event type has a unique name.
required_acl (optional)
Either a string or null. Currently used by xivo-websocketd to determine if a client can receive the event or not. See the Events Access Control section for more information.
The uuid to identify the message producer.
The data specific part of the event. This is documented on a per event type; if not this is assumed to be null.

AMI events

All AMI events are broadcasted on the bus.

  • routing key: ami.<event name>
  • event specific data: a dictionary with the content of the AMI event

Example event with binding key QueueMemberStatus:

    "name": "QueueMemberStatus",
    "origin_uuid": "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3",
    "data": {
        "Status": "1",
        "Penalty": "0",
        "CallsTaken": "0",
        "Skills": "",
        "MemberName": "sip\/m3ylhs",
        "Queue": "petak",
        "LastCall": "0",
        "Membership": "static",
        "Location": "sip\/m3ylhs",
        "Privilege": "agent,all",
        "Paused": "0",
        "StateInterface": "sip\/m4ylhs"


The call_form_result event is sent when a custom call form is submitted by a CTI client.

  • routing key: call_form_result
  • event specific data: a dictionary with 2 keys:
    • user_id: an integer corresponding to the user ID of the client who saved the call form
    • variables: a dictionary holding the content of the form


    "name": "call_form_result",
    "origin_uuid": "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3",
    "data": {
        "user_id": 40,
        "variables": {
            "firstname": "John",
            "lastname": "Doe"


The agent_status_update is sent when an agent is logged in or logged out.

  • routing key: status.agent
  • required ACL: events.statuses.agents
  • event specific data: a dictionary with 3 keys:
    • agent_id: an integer corresponding to the agent ID of the agent who’s status changed
    • status: a string identifying the status
    • xivo_id: the uuid of the xivo


    "name": "agent_status_update",
    "required_acl": "events.statuses.agents",
    "origin_uuid": "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3",
    "data": {
        "agent_id": 42,
        "xivo_id": "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3",
        "status": "logged_in"

call_created, call_updated, call_ended

The events call_created, call_updated, call_ended are sent when a call handled by xivo-ctid-ng is received, connected or hung up.

  • routing key:,,
  • required ACL: events.calls.<user_uuid>
  • event specific data: a dictionary with the same fields as the REST API model of Call (See, section xivo-ctid-ng)


    "name": "call_created",
    "required_acl": "events.calls.2e752722-0864-4665-887d-a78a024cf7c7",
    "origin_uuid": "08c56466-8f29-45c7-9856-92bf1ba89b82",
    "data": {
        "bridges": [],
        "call_id": "1455123422.8",
        "caller_id_name": "Some One",
        "caller_id_number": "1001",
        "creation_time": "2016-02-10T11:57:02.592-0500",
        "status": "Ring",
        "talking_to": {},
        "user_uuid": "2e752722-0864-4665-887d-a78a024cf7c7"


This message is sent when a call is placed on hold

  • routing key: calls.hold.created
  • event specific data:
    • call_id: The asterisk channel unique ID


{"name": "call_held",
 "origin_uuid": "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3",
 "data": {"call_id": "1465572129.31"}}


This message is sent when a call is resumed from hold

  • routing key: calls.hold.deleted
  • event specific data:
    • call_id: The asterisk channel unique ID


{"name": "call_resumed",
 "origin_uuid": "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3",
 "data": {"call_id": "1465572129.31"}}


This message is used to send a chat message to a user

  • routing key: chat.message.<wazo-uuid>.<user_id>
  • event specific data:
    • alias: The nickname of the chatter
    • to: The destination’s Wazo UUID and user UUID
    • from: The chatter’s Wazo UUID and user UUID
    • msg: The message


    "name": "chat_message_event",
    "origin_uuid": "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3",
    "data": {
        "alias": "Alice"
        "to": ["ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3", "fcb36731-c50a-453e-92c7-571297d41616"],
        "from": ["ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3", "4f2e2249-ae2b-4bc2-b5fc-ad42ee01ddaf"],
        "msg": "Hi!"


The endpoint_status_update is sent when an end point status changes. This information is based on asterisk hints.

  • routing key: status.endpoint
  • required ACL: events.statuses.endpoints
  • event specific data: a dictionary with 3 keys
    • xivo_id: the uuid of the xivo
    • endpoint_id: an integer corresponding to the endpoint ID
    • status: an integer corresponding to the asterisk device state


    "name": "endpoint_status_update",
    "required_acl": "events.statuses.endpoints",
    "origin_uuid": "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3",
    "data": {
        "endpoint_id": 67,
        "xivo_id": "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3",
        "status": 0


The user_created event is published when a new user is created.

  • routing key: config.user.created
  • event specific data: a dictionary with 2 keys
    • id: the ID of the created user
    • uuid: the UUID of the created user


    "name": "user_created",
    "origin_uuid": "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3",
    "data": {
        "id": 42,
        "uuid": "8e58d2a7-cfed-4c2e-ac72-14e0b5c26dc2"


The user_deleted event is published when a user is deleted.

  • routing key: config.user.deleted
  • event specific data: a dictionary with 2 keys
    • id: the ID of the deleted user
    • uuid: the UUID of the deleted user


    "name": "user_deleted",
    "origin_uuid": "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3",
    "data": {
        "id": 42,
        "uuid": "8e58d2a7-cfed-4c2e-ac72-14e0b5c26dc2"


The user_edited event is published when a user is modified.

  • routing key: config.user.edited
  • event specific data: a dictionary with 2 keys
    • id: the ID of the modified user
    • uuid: the UUID of the modified user


    "name": "user_edited",
    "origin_uuid": "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3",
    "data": {
        "id": 42,
        "uuid": "8e58d2a7-cfed-4c2e-ac72-14e0b5c26dc2"


The user_status_update is sent when a user changes his CTI presence using the XiVO client.

  • routing key: status.user
  • required ACL: events.statuses.users
  • event specific data: a dictionary with 3 keys
    • xivo_id: the uuid of the xivo
    • user_uuid: the user’s UUID
    • status: a string identifying the status


    "name": "user_status_update",
    "required_acl": "events.statuses.users",
    "origin_uuid": "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3",
    "data": {
        "user_uuid": "8e58d2a7-cfed-4c2e-ac72-14e0b5c26dc2",
        "xivo_id": "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3",
        "status": "busy"


The users_forwards_<forward_name>_updated is sent when a user changes his forward using REST API.

  • forward_name:
    • busy
    • noanswer
    • unconditional
  • routing key: config.users.<user_uuid>.forwards.<forward_name>.updated
  • required ACL: events.config.users.<user_uuid>.forwards.<forward_name>.updated
  • event specific data: a dictionary with 3 keys
    • user_uuid: the user uuid
    • enabled: the state of the forward
    • destination: the destination of the forward


    "name": "users_forwards_busy_updated",
    "required_acl": "events.config.users.a1223fe6-bff8-4fb6-a982-f9157dea5094.forwards.busy.updated",
    "origin_uuid": "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3",
    "data": {
        "user_uuid": "a1223fe6-bff8-4fb6-a982-f9157dea5094",
        "enabled": true
        "destination": "1234"


The users_services_<service_name>_updated is sent when a user changes his service using REST API.

  • service_name:
    • dnd
    • incallfilter
  • routing key: config.users.<user_uuid>.services.<service_name>.updated
  • required ACL: events.config.users.<user_uuid>.services.<service_name>.updated
  • event specific data: a dictionary with 2 keys
    • user_uuid: the user uuid
    • enabled: the state of the service


    "name": "users_services_dnd_updated",
    "required_acl": "",
    "origin_uuid": "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3",
    "data": {
        "user_uuid": "a1223fe6-bff8-4fb6-a982-f9157dea5094",
        "enabled": true


The service_registered_event is sent when a service is started.

  • routing key: service.registered.<service_name>
  • event specific data: a dictionary with 5 keys
    • service_name: The name of the started service
    • service_id: The consul ID of the started service
    • address: The advertised address of the started service
    • port: The advertised port of the started service
    • tags: The advertised Consul tags of the started service


    "name": "service_registered_event",
    "origin_uuid": "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3",
    "data": {
        "service_name": "xivo-ctid",
        "service_id": "8e58d2a7-cfed-4c2e-ac72-14e0b5c26dc2",
        "address": "",
        "port": 9495,
        "tags": ["xivo-ctid", "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3", "Québec"]


The service_deregistered_event is sent when a service is stopped.

  • routing key: service.deregistered.<service_name>
  • event specific data: a dictionary with 3 keys
    • service_name: The name of the stopped service
    • service_id: The consul ID of the stopped service
    • tags: The advertised Consul tags of the stopped service


    "name": "service_deregistered_event",
    "origin_uuid": "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3",
    "data": {
        "service_name": "xivo-ctid",
        "service_id": "8e58d2a7-cfed-4c2e-ac72-14e0b5c26dc2",
        "tags": ["xivo-ctid", "ca7f87e9-c2c8-5fad-ba1b-c3140ebb9be3", "Québec"]


The events user_voicemail_message_created, user_voicemail_message_updated, user_voicemail_message_deleted are sent when a message is left, updated or deleted from a voicemail. A distinct message is generated for each user associated to the voicemail: if the voicemail is not associated to any user, no message is generated.

  • routing key: voicemails.messages.created, voicemails.messages.updated, voicemails.messages.deleted
  • required ACL: events.users.<user_uuid>.voicemails
  • event specific data: a dictionary with the same fields as the REST API model of VoicemailMessage (See, section xivo-ctid-ng)


    "name": "user_voicemail_message_created",
    "required_acl": "events.users.8a709eb7-897f-4183-aa3b-ffa2a74e7e37.voicemails",
    "origin_uuid": "3b13295f-9f93-4c19-bd52-015a928a8a2a",
    "data": {
        "voicemail_id": 1,
        "message": {
            "timestamp": 1479226725,
            "caller_id_num": "1001",
            "caller_id_name": "Alice",
            "duration": 0,
            "folder": {
                "type": "new",
                "id": 1,
                "name": "inbox"
            "id": "1479226725-00000003"
        "user_uuid": "8a709eb7-897f-4183-aa3b-ffa2a74e7e37",
        "message_id": "1479226725-00000003"