.. _phonebook: ********* Phonebook ********* A global phone book can be defined in :menuselection:`Services --> IPBX --> IPBX Services --> Phonebook`. The phone book can be used from the XiVO Client, from the phones directory look key if the phone is compatible and are used to set the Caller ID for incoming calls. You can add entries one by one or you can mass-import from a CSV file. .. note:: To configure phonebook, see :ref:`directories`. Mass-import contacts ==================== Go in the :menuselection:`Services --> IPBX --> IPBX Services --> Phonebook` section and move your mouse cursor on the *+* button in the upper right corner. Select *Import a file*. The file to be imported must be a CSV file, with a pipe character *|* as field delimiter. The file must be encoded in UTF-8 (without an initial `BOM`_). Mandatory headers are : * title (possible values : "mr", "mrs", "ms") * displayname Optional headers are : * firstname * lastname * society * mobilenumber [#numeric]_ * email * url * description * officenumber [#numeric]_ * faxnumber [#numeric]_ * officeaddress1 * officeaddress2 * officecity * officestate * officezipcode * officecountry [#country]_ * homenumber [#numeric]_ * homeaddress1 * homeaddress2 * homecity * homestate * homezipcode * homecountry [#country]_ * othernumber [#numeric]_ * otheraddress1 * otheraddress2 * othercity * otherstate * otherzipcode * othercountry [#country]_ .. [#numeric] These fields must contain only numeric characters, no space, point, etc. .. [#country] These fields must contain ISO country codes. The complete list is described `here`_. .. _here: http://www.iso.org/iso/country_codes/iso_3166_code_lists/country_names_and_code_elements.htm .. _BOM: http://www.unicode.org/faq/utf_bom.html#BOM