********************* Building old versions ********************* 1.1.23 - Gallifrey ------------------ Build ^^^^^ * Download :download:`this patch` * git checkout xivo-client-1.1.23 * git apply xivoclient-1.1.23.patch * Edit Makefile and set the variable QMAKE to the path of your qmake * make all Package (macos) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Edit cross/macos-pack.sh and set QT_PATH * ./cross/macos-pack.sh 1.0.15 - Dalek -------------- Build (windows) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Download :download:`this patch` * Edit the patch and set the paths to Qt, NSIS, etc. * (cygwin) git checkout xivo-client-1.0.15 * (cygwin) make all-win32 * (qt cmd) mingw32-make win32-baselib * (qt cmd) mingw32-make win32-xivoclient * (qt cmd) mingw32-make win32-plugins Package (windows) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * (cygwin) make win32packdyn-xivoclient