.. _call_logd_changelog: ********************************* wazo-call-logd REST API changelog ********************************* 17.09 ===== * All CDR endpoints can return CSV data, provided a header ``Accept: text/csv; charset=utf-8``. * The default value of query string ``direction`` has been changed from ``asc`` to ``desc``. 17.08 ===== * ``GET /users/me/cdr`` and ``GET /users//cdr`` accept new query string arguments: * ``call_direction`` * ``number`` * ``GET /cdr`` accepts new query string arguments: * ``call_direction`` * ``number`` * ``user_uuid`` * ``tags`` * ``GET /cdr`` has new attribute: * ``id`` * ``answer`` * ``call_direction`` * ``tags`` 17.07 ===== * New endpoints for listing call logs: * ``GET /users//cdr`` * ``GET /users/me/cdr`` 17.06 ===== * Call logs objects now have a new attribute ``end`` * ``GET /cdr`` has new parameters: * ``from`` * ``until`` * ``order`` * ``direction`` * ``limit`` * ``offset`` * ``GET /cdr`` has new attributes: * ``total`` * ``filtered`` 17.05 ===== * New endpoint for listing call logs: * ``GET /cdr`` 17.04 ===== * Creation of the HTTP daemon