******************************** Filtering webhook events on user ******************************** When configuring a webhook, you can set the ``user_uuid`` parameter. Doing so makes the webhook being only triggered when events are related to the specified user. For example, given a webhook on event ``user_status_update``, and ``user_uuid`` is set to user A, the webhook will only be triggered when user A changes its presence status, not when user B does. Supported events ================ The current list of events that is supported by the ``user_uuid`` parameter is: - ``agent_paused`` - ``agent_status_update`` - ``agent_unpaused`` - ``call_created`` - ``call_ended`` - ``call_log_user_created`` - ``call_updated`` - ``chat_message_sent`` - ``chat_message_received`` - ``endpoint_status_update`` - ``favorite_added`` - ``favorite_deleted`` - ``relocate_initiated`` - ``relocate_answered`` - ``relocate_completed`` - ``relocate_ended`` - ``user_status_update`` - ``user_voicemail_message_created`` - ``user_voicemail_message_deleted`` - ``user_voicemail_message_updated`` - ``users_forwards_busy_updated`` - ``users_forwards_noanswer_updated`` - ``users_forwards_unconditional_updated`` - ``users_services_dnd_updated`` - ``users_services_incallfilter_updated`` Unsupported events will always trigger the webhook, regardless of the related user.