.. _phonebook_sharing: ***************** Phonebook Sharing ***************** Sharing phonebooks allows users of different Wazo servers to access the contacts in the :ref:`phonebooks ` of the other Wazo servers. .. figure:: images/phonebook_sharing_diagram.png This procedure follows the :ref:`contact_and_presence_sharing` (but it's not mandatory), so we will use the same conventions. Open Phonebook Access ===================== On each Wazo, you must have a :ref:`Web Services User ` that authorizes access from another host (not by login/password). The phonebook access does not support login/password authorization. .. figure:: images/create_user_ws_phonebook.png This Web Services user will allow other Wazo servers to access the phonebook of this Wazo. Configuring the Directories =========================== For each remote Wazo a new phonebook has to be created in :menuselection:`Configuration --> Management --> Directories` .. figure:: images/list_directory_phonebook.png .. figure:: images/create_directory_phonebook.png Note that the URL of the directory must contain ``restricted``, not ``private``, e.g:: Add a Directory Definition for Each Phonebook --------------------------------------------- To add a new directory definition, go to :menuselection:`Services --> CTI Server --> Directories --> Definitions` .. figure:: images/list_definition_phonebook.png In each directory definition, add the fields to match the other phonebooks: .. figure:: images/create_definition_phonebook.png Add the New Definitions to Your Users ------------------------------------- We just defined the directories, now let's use them: .. figure:: images/list_direct_directories.png .. figure:: images/create_direct_directories_phonebook.png Check That Everything is Working ================================ There is no further configuration needed, you should now be able to connect your Wazo Client and search phonebook contacts from the People Xlet. Troubleshooting =============== Chances are that everything won't work the first time, here are some interesting commands to help you debug the problem. .. code-block:: sh tail -f /var/log/xivo-dird.log tail -f /var/log/nginx/xivo.access.log