Building the Wazo Client on Mac OS

This page explains how to build an executable of the Wazo Client from its sources for Mac OS.

Mac OS Prerequisites

Developer tools

You will need an Apple developer account to get development tools, such as GCC. To log in or sign in, go to the Developer portal of Apple. In the Downloads section, get the Command line Tools for XCode and install them. You might want to get XCode too, but it is rather big.


You need the development files of the Qt 5 library, available on the Qt website. The currently supported Qt version is 5.5.0.

Get sources

In a bash shell, enter:

$ git clone git://


Launch qmake to generate the Makefile:

$ cd wazo-client-qt
$ /path/to/qt5/bin/qmake -spec macx-g++

This will also generate a file versions.mak that contains version informations about the code being compiled. It is necessary for compilation and packaging.

You can then launch make:

$ make

Binaries are available in the bin directory.

The version of the executable is taken from the git describe command.

Debug build

Add DEBUG=yes on the command line:

$ make DEBUG=yes


$ make distclean


You can launch the built executable with:



You need to have the bin directory of Qt in your $PATH.

To create the app bundle:

$ make pack

This will result in a .dmg file in the current directory.

The version of the package is taken from the git describe command.