
Upgrading a Wazo is done by executing commands through a terminal on the server. You can connect to the server either through SSH or with a physical console.

To upgrade your Wazo to the latest version, you must use the wazo-upgrade script. You can start an upgrade with the command:



  • You can’t use wazo-upgrade if you have not run the wizard yet
  • Upgrading from a deprecated version is not supported.
  • When upgrading Wazo, you must also upgrade all associated Wazo Clients. There is currently no retro-compatibility on older Wazo Client versions. The only exception is Wazo 16.16, which is compatible with Wazo Client 16.13.

This script will update Wazo and restart all services.

There are 2 options you can pass to wazo-upgrade:

  • -d to only download packages without installing them. This will still upgrade the package containing wazo-upgrade.
  • -f to force upgrade, without asking for user confirmation

wazo-upgrade uses the following environment variables:

Upgrade procedure

  • Read all existing Upgrade notes starting from your version to the latest version.
  • For custom setups, follow the required procedures described below (e.g. HA cluster).
  • To download the packages beforehand, run wazo-upgrade -d. This is not mandatory, but it does not require stopping any service, so it may be useful to reduce the downtime of the server while upgrading.
  • When ready, run wazo-upgrade which will start the upgrade process. Telephony services will be stopped during the process
  • When finished, check that all services are running (the list is displayed at the end of the upgrade).
  • Check that services are correctly working like SIP registration, ISDN link status, internal/incoming/outgoing calls, Wazo Client connections etc.

Version-specific upgrade procedures

Upgrading from XiVO 16.13 and before

When upgrading from XiVO 16.13 or before, you must use the special XiVO to Wazo upgrade procedure instead of simply running xivo-upgrade.

Upgrading from XiVO 14.01, 14.02, 14.03, 14.04 installed from the ISO

In those versions, xivo-upgrade keeps XiVO on the same version. You must do the following, before the normal upgrade:

echo "deb http://mirror.wazo.community/debian/ xivo-five main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xivo-upgrade.list \
&& apt-get update \
&& apt-get install xivo-fai \
&& rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xivo-upgrade.list \
&& apt-get update

Upgrading from XiVO 13.24 and before

When upgrading from XiVO 13.24 or earlier, you must do the following, before the normal upgrade:

  1. Ensure that the file /etc/apt/sources.list is not configured on archive.debian.org. Instead, it must be configured with a non-archive mirror, but still on the squeeze distribution, even if it is not present on this mirror. For example:

    deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian squeeze main
  2. Add archive.debian.org in another file:

    cat > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/squeeze-archive.list <<EOF
    deb http://archive.debian.org/debian/ squeeze main

And after the upgrade:

rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/squeeze-archive.list

Upgrading from XiVO 13.03 and before

When upgrading from XiVO 13.03 or earlier, you must do the following, before the normal upgrade:

wget http://mirror.wazo.community/xivo_current.key -O - | apt-key add -

Upgrading a cluster

Here are the steps for upgrading a cluster, i.e. two Wazo with High Availability (HA):

  1. On the master : deactivate the database replication by commenting the cron in /etc/cron.d/xivo-ha-master

  2. On the slave, deactivate the xivo-check-master-status script cronjob by commenting the line in /etc/cron.d/xivo-ha-slave

  3. On the slave, start the upgrade:

    xivo-slave:~$ wazo-upgrade
  4. When the slave has finished, start the upgrade on the master:

    xivo-master:~$ wazo-upgrade
  5. When done, launch the database replication manually:

    xivo-master:~$ xivo-master-slave-db-replication <slave ip>
  6. Reactivate the cronjobs (see steps 1 and 2)

Upgrading to/from an archive version

Upgrading from i386 (32 bits) to amd64 (64 bits)

Unsupported versions



When upgrading Wazo, if you encounter problems related to the system locale, see PostgreSQL localization errors.


If wazo-upgrade fails or aborts in mid-process, the system might end up in a faulty condition. If in doubt, run the following command to check the current state of xivo’s firewall rules:

iptables -nvL

If, among others, it displays something like the following line (notice the DROP and 5060):

0     0 DROP       udp  --  *      *             udp dpt:5060

Then your Wazo will not be able to register any SIP phones. In this case, you must delete the DROP rules with the following command:

iptables -D INPUT -p udp --dport 5060 -j DROP

Repeat this command until no more unwanted rules are left.